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30 junio, 2020

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller index rose 4.7% annually in April, up 0.1% from the month before. The 10-city composite index saw no change at 3.4% annual growth, while the 20-city composite rose 0.1% annually to 4.0%. S&P Dow Jones Indices managing director Craig Lazzara described prices as “remarkably stable,” noting that the price trends in place before the COVID-19 pandemic struck remain relatively undisturbed.

Key Takeaways

  • The Case-Shiller index rose 4.7% in the 12 months through April, up from 4.6% in March.
  • Housing price data remains relatively unaffected by the coronavirus pandemic according to the latest report.
  • Price gains were led by Phoenix, followed by Seattle and Minneapolis.
  • Data for Detroit was unavailable due to the impact of coronavirus pandemic on local records.

Phoenix saw the largest home price gains with 8.8% price growth in the 12 months through April. Seattle saw a 7.3% annual increase in price, while Minneapolis saw a 6.4% increase. 12 out of 19 cities saw higher prices during the year. The 10-city and 20-city composite indexes saw 0.7% and 0.9% growth respectively before seasonal adjustment.

Record low mortgage rates have contributed to buyer purchasing power, bolstering market prices. Existing home sales, however, fell to the slowest pace in ten years in April, due to lockdown procedures interfering with open house events. However, sales have rebounded with the largest monthly increase in sales since records began in 2001. A diminishing supply indicates that prices will continue to grow throughout 2020.

More information: Here

26 junio, 2020

If you are looking to buy gold in the United States, you have numerous choices when it comes to where you purchase your gold. Local coin and bullion shops and online gold and silver dealers represent the two primary types of retailers at which you can buy gold, silver and other metals products. There are, however, some key differences between the two.

Local coin and bullion shops may carry various types of bullion bar and coin as well as numismatics and collectibles. Such shops may, however, carry smaller inventories and charge higher premiums compared to online dealers. This makes sense, after all, given the fact the brick and mortar coin shops tend to have higher operating costs compared to online dealers.

Online precious metals dealers tend to offer a much wider variety of bullion coins and bars, as well as numismatics and collectibles. Online coin and bullion dealers tend to have some of the lowest premiums available, as they may have lower overall operating costs.

If you are looking to buy gold in the U.S., you have access to many different types. Gold bars and coins in the U.S. come in all shapes and sizes, and with varying weights as well. A smaller investor or those on a tight budget, for example, may prefer to purchase a 1 gram gold bar while larger investors may prefer the standard 1 ounce weight.

If you are buying gold coins in the U.S., chances are good that you will see American Gold Eagle coins for sale. These gold coins are produced by the U.S. Mint, and are one of the world’s most popular gold bullion coins. One of the nicest things about American Gold Eagle coins is that they are available in numerous weights such as 1/10th ounce, ¼ ounce, ½ ounce and 1 ounce.

These iconic gold bullion coins feature the Augustus Saint-Gaudens designed image of Lady Liberty, and are considered good, legal tender with varying face values based on weight. This coin made its debut in 1986, and has been a top-seller ever since. All gold eagle coins are currently produced at the West Point facility of the U.S. Mint.

The U.S. Mint was created in April, 1792 through the passage of The Coinage Act. The act authorized the construction of a mint building located in Philadelphia, then the nation’s capital. This building also happened to be the first federal building constructed under the constitution.

The U.S. Mint, since its founding, has taken great price in paying tribute to this great nation in coins. Owning a U.S. Mint coin or medal is not only a good investment, but a way to connect to the founding principles of the nation and the roots of its economy.

The U.S. Mint is the country’s only manufacturer of legal tender coinage and is in charge of circulation coin production. In addition, the mint also produces numerous proof coins, medals and commemorative coins.

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26 junio, 2020

La palabra eslava «oro» se origina del término antiguo eslavo zlato (en la traducción: «amarillo»). La palabra oro en español e italiano se traduce como «amarillo brillante». En inglés, el oro proviene del gótico gulþ: «amarillo, dorado». En latín, la palabra oro (aurum) se asocia con el nombre de la antigua diosa romana del amanecer, Aurora.

El oro es el primer metal conocido por el ser humano. Desde la antigüedad, lo apreciaban como metal precioso. Los artículos dorados ya existían en el 5-4 milenio antes de Cristo.

El oro es ampliamente utilizado en la industria y en la ciencia. Aproximadamente el 10% del consumo mundial de reservas de oro se utiliza en odontología, farmacología, radioterapia, cirugía plástica y cosmetología. Hablemos de la aplicación de este metal noble en estas áreas médicas.

El oro, un remedio para enfermedades

En las culturas antiguas, el «rey de los metales» se usaba para fabricar medicamentos y tratar muchas enfermedades. Las propiedades curativas del oro son muy amplias: capaz de destruir bacterias, desinfectar, fortalecer el cuerpo, mejorar las defensas, afectar positivamente a la función del corazón y los órganos internos. Además, el oro puro es un metal hipoalergénico.

Paracelso, alquimista, filósofo y médico, que vivió en el siglo XVII, escribió sobre el oro:

«No la transformación de metales en oro debería ser el objetivo de la química, sino la preparación de medicamentos».

En la India se cree que la ingesta regular de oro tiene un efecto beneficioso sobre el cuerpo humano, rejuveneciéndolo y tonificándolo. El oro se toma en forma de polvo o pastillas (la dosis promedio es de 1 a 2 mg por día). Los japoneses también están convencidos de los méritos de la ingesta de oro y agregan una finísima lámina de oro en té o sake.

Leer noticia completa, clic aquí

26 junio, 2020

Esta es la tabla de precio del Oro hoy en Nicaragua en córdoba (NIO) por onza. Seleccione un marco de tiempo para la tabla; 1 mes, 3 meses, 6 meses, año, día, año y todo el tiempo disponible. Puedes también descargar el gráfico como una imagen png o jpeg o un archivo pdf o imprimir directamente la tabla haciendo clic en el botón correspondiente en la parte superior derecha de la tabla.

Más información, clic aquí

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